What is a dietitian and why should you consult one?
You are in good hands
What do dietitians do?
Dietitians translate the science of nutrition into terms you can understand. They unlock food’s potential and support healthy living for their patients, clients, and communities. Dietitians look beyond fads and gimmicks to deliver reliable, life-changing advice tailored to your objectives as well as personal needs and challenges.
It’s one way you can be assured the advice and information you are receiving is sound. You wouldn’t ask a baker how to build a safe bridge, you’d ask a professional engineer. The same thinking should apply for nutrition advice.
I am a member of both UPDLF (Union Professionnelle des Diététiciens de Langue Française) in Belgium and OPDQ (Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec) in Canada.
Dietitians IN BELGIUM
The dietitian (or dietitian-nutritionist) is the only recognised food specialist in Belgium. The title is protected and defined by the Royal Decree of February 19, 1997. Dietitians provide nutritional advice, and on prescription, participate in the education and nutritional rehabilitation of patients through the establishment of a personalised dietary assessment and appropriate dietary education. Since 1 September 2011, only those holding the authorization, concretized by the visa number of the FPS Public Health, can exercise the profession of dietitian.
Dietitians IN CANADA
Dietitians have a degree in foods and nutrition from an accredited university program and undergo comprehensive and rigorous training, both on the job and in universities. Just like all regulated health professionals, dietitians are committed and required to stay on top of emerging research, skills, and techniques. They adhere to Principles of Professional Practice.